WHAT IF We Are Wrong…

What if we are wrong??

What if abortion is not a simple case of “women’s rights”? The thought of that is scary… The implication of us being wrong is… murder of our youngest and most vulnerable on a huge scale; mass infanticide. How did we get to the place of being so callous and sure that a fetus is not a life who deserves an option? Is this true progression? Or is it the antithetical, bordering barbarism masquerading in the light of “The Free Woman”?

Its life

Since the legalization of abortion in 1973 due to the case of Roe V. Wade, there has been over 58 Million abortions in the United States. 6.8 million of them were performed by Planned Parenthood.

Click here to see real time abortion clock

So, why is it such a touchy subject? Well, people who believe abortion is a “woman’s choice” would say:
Embryos and fetuses are not independent, self-determining beings, and abortion is the termination of a pregnancy, not a baby. A person’s age is calculated from birth date, not conception, and fetuses are not counted in the US Census. The majority opinion in Roe v. Wade states that “the word ‘person,’ as used in the Fourteenth Amendment [of the US Constitution], does not include the unborn.” http://abortion.procon.org/

However, many people believe that life starts at conception. We even have laws that protect the unborn:
Unborn babies are considered human beings by the US government. The federal Unborn Victims of Violence Act, which was enacted “to protect unborn children from assault and murder,” states that under federal law, anybody intentionally killing or attempting to kill an unborn child should “be punished… for intentionally killing or attempting to kill a human being.” The act also states that an unborn child is a ‘member of the species homo sapiens.’ ” http://abortion.procon.org/

This last statement begs the question: Why are we protecting a non human life yet allow abortion? This is a huge problem legislatively and an even larger problem for us all individually because this leaves “the right to the unborn life” up to subjectivity. It’s a gray area; a very fine line.

If we are wrong, then our government has legally allowed over 58 million murders. That my friends, is genocide.

Both have valid points. But I have a simple question… since someone is wrong here, who is it? And do we really want to be on the wrong side of the issue? I mean, what if we are wrong? What is the implication if we are wrong?

If I told you “I’m going to go blow up my building over there” and you asked “Is there anyone in it?” and I said, “I’m not sure, but I need to blow it up anyway because it will ruin my life if I don’t”, how would you react? You would urge me to not blow it up unless I was sure there wasn’t a person in it.

The fact is this, if we are wrong, then our government has legally allowed over 58 million murders. That my friends, is genocide.


I am one of those murderers. I had an abortion because I was pushed into believing it was “okay” since it is legal and my life and the life of the unborn child would be ruined if I didn’t.

I have personally come to realize that our government has made a huge mistake. Abortion may not be murder, but it most certainly could be. Why are we so quick to assume that it’s not? A fetus has a beating heart within 40 days of conception. Neural tissue in 60 days. From conception it’s DNA is written. What about this is not human?


Consider both talking points, but the fact is that they can’t say for certain that a fetus is not a human life. I know what side of history I want to be on… Let’s stop blowing up buildings if there could be living people inside.


Letter To My Aborted Child:

I will be your voice. I must….

Isaiah 49:15

You would be nine years old this September child…

In 2006, I made a decision that I had convinced myself was “necessary”.
Necessary for your brother’s well being, my own well being and your well being.
I didn’t understand the true consequences of what that decision would be… I didn’t understand that I was taking away my child’s life… your life.  Not the way I understand it now.

You see, I allowed my environment; your father, our family and society; alter what I knew deep down in my heart was wrong. I just didn’t know how wrong it was.

I thought it would all be ok. I thought I would easily get over it… move on with my life.

Truth is, I am now grieving the loss of a child… the loss of a child at my own hands. And the worst part is, I never acknowledged you for the individual God created you to be. I never mourned your loss and I rarely acknowledged your existence.

“Sorry” will never be enough. It is just not enough… But since the day I acknowledged you as my child, and not simply an “abortion”, an “accident”, a “mistake”, I have been free to feel the pain and regret of what I have done. Because you see, society tells us this act is ok. They tell us you were nothing more than a clump of cells and tissue. They say you are insignificant and a “choice”. And I allowed myself to be brainwashed into believing it to be true.

I now realize how mistaken our society truly is.

Regret My Abortion

You are my child. You had a life… Not a day goes by that I wish I can go back and change it. Not a day goes by I wish I could look in your eyes and tell you I love you. Hold you tight like you mean the world to me…

Nine years after your death, you have now truly become the center of my world. So many children are dying every day at the hands of the woman who should be protecting them under the same foolish guise I was under. I burn with a rage that I can no longer deny nor quench because your life child WAS significant, precious, meaningful and worth fighting for!

You should be in my arms right now. I should be looking at you telling you how much I love you. I wish I was stronger. I wish I was braver. I wish I had courage to stand up and when my heart told me it was wrong. And now, I will never know your voice.

I will be your voice. I must.


Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you…

How To Make a Free Blog Fast!

Learn how easy it is to make a free blog fast! Literally in minutes!

how start free blog fast

I wanted to create a blog and didn’t really know where to start. I felt overwhelmed and didn’t want to spend a fortune on something I knew would grow over time.

Ideally, you should host your own blog (meaning to own it), but if you’re on a budget and don’t want to deal with the fuss at the moment but were like me and want to get right into blogging, I will tell you that it is super easy to do. And by doing it this way, if you ever want to host your blog, you can transfer it.

The best is truly WordPress. It really is. Don’t go anywhere else. All you do is go to WordPress.com and select “create free website”. Then you follow the prompts. Takes less than 5 minutes to create it.

be boss banner

Some things to know before you create your blog:

  1. What kind of blog do you want it to be? What do you want your focus to be? What is the niche? Mine is based on subjects I am passionate about. It’s a place for me to express myself separate from my primary business.
  2. A few names you would like your blog to be in case your first choice is taken.
  3. An idea of what you want your blog to look like. There are many themes to choose from for free, so when you are browsing you will have an idea what you are looking for.

Be sure you are able to envision your blog and the type of content you want. You can only create what you can imagine is possible.

That’s it! Super easy. I made my blog in a few easy steps. If you want to customize your theme, you can and it doesn’t require too much effort really. WordPress has really made the blogging process super simple!

Once you create your blog and make your first post, feel free to share it in the comments below! I’d love to see what you’ve done!

Happy Blogging!


7 Reasons You May Be a Natural Entrepreneur and NOT a Screw Up

There is a chance, albeit a small chance you are simply a screw up. But likely, if you are reading this, you are NOT. You simply have a different skill set that is not realized or is being pushed down for one of many reasons.

I never knew what was wrong with me until I explored my true desires and faith when I realized my meaning. Just know, that the sooner you awaken and act on your true abilities and purpose, the happier, more productive and fulfilled you will be.
entrepreneur at heart Continue reading

The Patriot Act expired at midnight…

Due to a handful of senators lead by senator Rand Paul, we temporarily have our civil freedom of a right to privacy back.

Why temporarily? Because later this week, the senate must convene and vote on the Freedom Act, which in no ways is offering freedom. The Patriot Act has a section with loose wording that basically allowed the NSA to collect and store our data, which has more recently been found an illegal practice in a court of law. Well, of course! it completely goes against the 4th amendment.

So now, this “Freedom” Act has a section similar to the Patriot Act. It states that the NSA cannot collect the data, but that the companies that once handed over the data, must now collect it themselves so that the NSA is in arms length of it.
So now, not only is it a silly loop hole, but now big corporations will be working more directly side by side with the agency that has been collecting our data, lied about the collections under oath in congress and when they were found out, said that it was in OUR interest why they lied about OUR data! Clapper STILL is working for the government, being paid by our tax dollars.

Here is what Rand Paul shared on his Facebook Page late last night:

Tonight we have stopped the NSA’s illegal spying program.

This is a victory no matter how you look at it. It might be short lived, but I hope that it provides a road for a robust debate, which will strengthen our intelligence community, while also respecting our Constitution.

I acknowledge the need for robust intelligence and for vigilant national security. I believe we must fight terrorism, and I believe we must stand strong against our enemies.

The expiration of the NSA’s sweeping, all-encompassing and ineffectual powers will not relinquish functions necessary for protecting national security.

The expiration will instead do what we should have done all along — rely on the Constitution for these powers.

While some will use fear and intimidation tactics, I believe there is nothing that prevents our intelligence community from continuing to safely guard our nation, while also respecting our Constitution.

Please add your name if you stand with me: http://www.randpaul.com/f/nsa-spying-video?sr=531fb1

Rand Paul is a 2016 presidential hopeful. He is a cross between a conservative/tea partier and a liberal, a very rare breed in not just the republican party, but in politics as a whole.

The one thing I can say about Rand is that he is a CONSTITUTIONALIST and has been consistent through his entire political career. He doesn’t stand for popularity, he stands for constitutional justice for the American people. He believes that the constitution is more than a document and that we can successfully run a country with it clenched in our hand. I happen to agree with him.

This is only the beginning of a daunting task… Once we relinquished one of our liberties the the government, it will make it a fight to earn it back. That’s why I #standwithRand, because he is willing to take on the fight and lead it from the front.
If you #standwithRand, use this hashtag in your social media posts.

You can sign the petition to support the cause at www.RandPaul.com
Follow him on: https://www.facebook.com/RandPaulhttps://twitter.com/RandPaul

Rand Paul

Comment your thoughts below…

Beau Biden, Vice President Joe Biden’s son dies at only 46 years of age

Lost his battle with brain cancer at 46 leaving behind  his wife and two children.

Lost his battle with brain cancer at 46 leaving behind his wife and two children.

I personally, do not claim a particular party. I believe I have components of them all. However, I would feel most removed from the democratic party. Yet this post is not about partisan politics. The fact is, our vice president is now someone so many of us can relate to. No matter your influence, authority or power, it is hard to escape the clenches of cancer. My sincere condolences and prayers are with the Biden family and the White House as they grieve the loss of Beau Biden at such a young age. I cannot even begin to imagine what if feels like to lose a child…

The White House released this statement on Facebook:

“Michelle and I are grieving tonight. Beau Biden was a friend of ours. His beloved family – Hallie, Natalie, and Hunter – are friends of ours. And Joe and Jill Biden are as good as friends get.

Beau took after Joe. He studied the law, like his dad, even choosing the same law school. He chased a life of public service, like his dad, serving in Iraq and as Delaware’s Attorney General. Like his dad, Beau was a good, big-hearted, devoutly Catholic and deeply faithful man, who made a difference in the lives of all he touched – and he lives on in their hearts.

But for all that Beau Biden achieved in his life, nothing made him prouder; nothing made him happier; nothing claimed a fuller focus of his love and devotion than his family.

Just like his dad.

Joe is one of the strongest men we’ve ever known. He’s as strong as they come, and nothing matters to him more than family. It’s one of the things we love about him. And it is a testament to Joe and Jill – to who they are – that Beau lived a life that was full; a life that mattered; a life that reflected their reverence for family.

The Bidens have more family than they know. In the Delaware they love. In the Senate Joe reveres. Across this country that he has served for more than forty years. And they have a family right here in the White House, where hundreds of hearts ache tonight – for Hallie, Natalie, and Hunter; for Joe and for Jill; for Beau’s brother, Hunter; his sister, Ashley, and for the entire Biden clan.

“I have believed the best of every man,” wrote the poet William Butler Yeats, “And find that to believe it is enough to make a bad man show him at his best or even a good man swing his lantern higher.”

Beau Biden believed the best of us all. For him, and for his family, we swing our lanterns higher.

Michelle and I humbly pray for the good Lord to watch over Beau Biden, and to protect and comfort his family here on Earth.” —President Obama on the passing of Beau Biden (https://www.facebook.com/WhiteHouse?fref=nf)

No matter your political or religious beliefs, say a special prayer for the family and friends who lost someone close to their hearts.

I pray that cancer is crushed in Jesus name… amen.

My Very First Blog Post!

Thank you for visiting my blog!

My name is Angie Ray and I started this blog to stimulate your thoughts…

I’ll be sharing my different views on more controversial topics with honesty and integrity.

From faith to politics to entrepreneurship and beyond!

I have a no nonsense attitude and shoot straight from the hip. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, I can’t help but to tell it how it is. My compassion is overwhelming but I never sugar coat my thoughts and feelings.

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. –
Albert Einstein

I am a mother. I am a christian. I am a freedom craving liberal who values all life.

Angie Ray