7 Reasons You May Be a Natural Entrepreneur and NOT a Screw Up

There is a chance, albeit a small chance you are simply a screw up. But likely, if you are reading this, you are NOT. You simply have a different skill set that is not realized or is being pushed down for one of many reasons.

I never knew what was wrong with me until I explored my true desires and faith when I realized my meaning. Just know, that the sooner you awaken and act on your true abilities and purpose, the happier, more productive and fulfilled you will be.
entrepreneur at heart

  • Don’t take orders well:
    Likely, you don’t or never have taken orders well. You have always seemed to walk to the beat of your own drum. You may have been the class clown in school or would get caught daydreaming a lot, like I did. You just never quite fit in with the other kids and never aimed to please your teachers. And this leads me into the next reason you may be an entrepreneur…
  • Lack of passion in your work:
    Whether you flip burgers or wear a suit, you simply do not give much effort to what you do. You show up and watch the clock until it’s time to leave. It’s often not intentional; you just do not have any motivation to give your all to something you lack passion in. This may lead to never moving up or even job-hopping.
  • Critical friends and family:
    Friends and family tend to not understand natural entrepreneurs. They think everyone should do what they were taught and told to do and suck it up. And they may never understand you. That is really ok. Allow these people to be your motivation to be all that you were called to be.
  • Having ADHD, Dyslexia or something similar:
    Some of the most successful people in the world have been diagnosed or show signs of ADHD. A few examples are; Will Smith, Justin Timberlake, Jim Carrey, Michael Phelps, Sir Richard Branson and Paul Orphalea (founder of Kinko’s) just to name a few. Branson’s living proof of the statistic reported in Psychology Today that people with ADHD are 300% more likely to start their own company.I believe everyone with ADHD would do best going into business for themselves. This is a fantastic article on the subject in Success Magazine.
  • Selective hyper focus:
    What do I mean by “selective” hyper focus? I mean you are able to focus intently, only on something you love, like a hobby. Anything else, you’re probably lost in the sauce; backed up on work, house chores, late for things, disorganized, but you ALWAYS make time to read books that interest you and you may even take notes. This is directly related to my next point…
  • Self educating:
    Most natural entrepreneurs, whether they went to college or not, are always self educating. We have curious minds and are always seeking knowledge. Whether it be health, wealth, crafting, building, diy’s, stories and the list goes on! This is probably a very big one for most entrepreneurs I have met and read about. I personally spend a lot of time on YouTube learning and growing.
  • Deep thoughts about the purpose of life:
    Do you ever catch yourself wondering what life was all about and if you have missed the boat? You feel different and lack passion for your work. Your relationships seem to be on and off. You may feel completely out of control or completely depressed. This is very normal and you can get out of it. You can discover who you were meant to be and I will share with you how to go after it!

are you an entrepreneur

Some of the most brilliant inventors, entertainers and business owners experienced most of these traits. The path to entrepreneurship is not an easy one, but is simple and rewarding and you get to live your life more fulfilled than you ever thought possible!

Imagine being paid to live on purpose! Now, it is a matter of finding out what YOUR purpose or calling in life is. Now, just because you love, lets say video games, doesn’t mean you are going to get to play video games for a living, lol.

One thing I always knew was that I loved to teach and help people. I did not want to be a teacher and wasn’t rich enough to be a philanthropist. But I started taking steps. I wasn’t sure where I was going, but I was getting further and further away from the

After over 20 jobs and moments of unemployment from age 15 to 23, I knew there was something “wrong” with me. By 26, I knew there was something “different” about me. By the age of 28, I knew what I was. And by age 30, I knew what my PURPOSE was.

Are you an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship was a long and painful transition because I was so beat down and felt like a total screw up! But you don’t have to!!! It’s time to accept who you are and embrace it!

A friend of mine recently posted this on Facebook:

Entrepreneurs jump off a cliff and learn how to fly on the way down!

It’s a beautiful analogy because that’s how it should be! And that is how it is once you fully embrace who you are and what your purpose on this earth is.are you an entrepreneur

In this informational age where anything that you want to know and learn is at your finger tips, you can literally find a way to move into the direction of your dreams. Take those traits i described above and funnel them into this process of cultivating the true you!

If after you read this post and think you may be an entrepreneur and need some help, please reach out to me in the comments below or on Facebook.

If you are interested in learning about what I do, please click this link, enter your info and I will be in touch with you.are you an entrepreneur

And if you are currently an entrepreneur and love what you do, share what accepting this path has done for your life or for others.

I know if this post resonated with you that you were meant to see this in the right time of your life. Don’t waste another second, we only live once! I pray you will take it and run into your future!

Are you an entrepreneur

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