The Patriot Act expired at midnight…

Due to a handful of senators lead by senator Rand Paul, we temporarily have our civil freedom of a right to privacy back.

Why temporarily? Because later this week, the senate must convene and vote on the Freedom Act, which in no ways is offering freedom. The Patriot Act has a section with loose wording that basically allowed the NSA to collect and store our data, which has more recently been found an illegal practice in a court of law. Well, of course! it completely goes against the 4th amendment.

So now, this “Freedom” Act has a section similar to the Patriot Act. It states that the NSA cannot collect the data, but that the companies that once handed over the data, must now collect it themselves so that the NSA is in arms length of it.
So now, not only is it a silly loop hole, but now big corporations will be working more directly side by side with the agency that has been collecting our data, lied about the collections under oath in congress and when they were found out, said that it was in OUR interest why they lied about OUR data! Clapper STILL is working for the government, being paid by our tax dollars.

Here is what Rand Paul shared on his Facebook Page late last night:

Tonight we have stopped the NSA’s illegal spying program.

This is a victory no matter how you look at it. It might be short lived, but I hope that it provides a road for a robust debate, which will strengthen our intelligence community, while also respecting our Constitution.

I acknowledge the need for robust intelligence and for vigilant national security. I believe we must fight terrorism, and I believe we must stand strong against our enemies.

The expiration of the NSA’s sweeping, all-encompassing and ineffectual powers will not relinquish functions necessary for protecting national security.

The expiration will instead do what we should have done all along — rely on the Constitution for these powers.

While some will use fear and intimidation tactics, I believe there is nothing that prevents our intelligence community from continuing to safely guard our nation, while also respecting our Constitution.

Please add your name if you stand with me:

Rand Paul is a 2016 presidential hopeful. He is a cross between a conservative/tea partier and a liberal, a very rare breed in not just the republican party, but in politics as a whole.

The one thing I can say about Rand is that he is a CONSTITUTIONALIST and has been consistent through his entire political career. He doesn’t stand for popularity, he stands for constitutional justice for the American people. He believes that the constitution is more than a document and that we can successfully run a country with it clenched in our hand. I happen to agree with him.

This is only the beginning of a daunting task… Once we relinquished one of our liberties the the government, it will make it a fight to earn it back. That’s why I #standwithRand, because he is willing to take on the fight and lead it from the front.
If you #standwithRand, use this hashtag in your social media posts.

You can sign the petition to support the cause at
Follow him on:

Rand Paul

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